Grieve Not Just For Asifa;But also For An India That Is Dead
As a child, I went to school and wrote essays about the peaceful co-existence of religion and the celebration of festivals across 'India'. It painted a vibrant picture in my mind. It was vibrant. Back then. Today, that vibrancy is dead, with a shroud lying upon it.
Today, there is no peaceful co-existence; there's just communal tension over the kidnapping, gang-rape and brutal murder of an 8-year-old girl. 8 YEARS OLD. Let that sink in.
What were you doing when you were 8 years old?
Riding your bicycle, studying, making friends and attending school as you dreamed about growing up some day? And you did.
But, Asifa didn't. She was gagged, kidnapped, drugged, raped, tortured and murdered. All this, under a temple - a place of God, a place of holiness, a place of worship. A place where people come to wash away their sins is where men sinned.
If there is an all-forgiving God, today, I hope that God DOES NOT FORGIVE. I hope that God makes this one exception for the sake of a young innocent child whose only fault was that she was innocent!
I used to boast about India being a social, sovereign country. I used to rattle the Preamble of the Indian Constitution with a sense of pride. Today, I'm speechless, hurt and heartbroken.
Every time that I read a newspaper, scroll through my social media feed is every time that her face haunts me, asking me if there will be justice. And every time I see her face, I feel a gut-wrenching sense of helplessness that I cannot do anything about.
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