National Treasure-(Swa)Desi version
Below story is a brief snippet discovering transcript of hidden science of fuel-less aeroplane or aero drone!!
This story involves three different periods
a}Medivel Period{Kambhan/Ottukuthar era}
b}Pre-independence era{M.V. Swaminatha Iyer era}
c}2016 AD
a}we all know that Kamban ramayanam written by kamban,but to the much of my surprise one of the section of the ramayanam ,called kutru or kandam in tamil is written by Ottukuthar,That kandam is about life style and heritage of Ravanan,we all now that ravanan dynasty had aeroplane by which ram and sita returned to the ayodhi after defeating ravanan,so all means there would be description on transcripts about aerodrone.
So using literary liberty,I assume that original kandam written by kamban which all the details of construction of aerodrone is replaced by Ottukuthar which doesn’t have much details!!
b}Sir MV Swaminatha Iyer aka tamil thatha involved in collection of all the ancient poems/literary written in palm leaves from different places and made in to book,while involving in collection of Kambhan ramayanam transcripts he reads about the fuel-less aerodrone ,and he wants it to take it to the next level,on this process he is cheated by English governor and historian and they plan to take the transcript to England to showcase to Queen,by then governor dies by snake bite and historian misplaces the transcript in jungles of kollimalai,M V Swanithan iyer sends special task force in search of transcripts but his effort end up in vain ,so he replaces ottakuthar verses in kamban ramanayam ,creating a cooked up story,so that no one will have any doubts.
c}2016 AD,grandson of Governor,who reads his grandfather dairy comes to India in search of transcripts,to fullfill his grand dad wish along with his gang have to clash/compete with a Indian guy whose father in law was a member of special task force,who went in search of of the story will be struggles/gamble/ made by two teams to find the transcript,in the search they expedite the whole kollimalai/temples in trichy/salem and get in trouble with local administration as well!!.
All the efforts of them go in vain,unable to find the transcripts
<< Searches/Struggle and effort scenes will be inspired {copied}from Hollywood movie National Treasure with local flavour>>
d}2100 AD
Srilankan Govt announces that they have made the first fuel-less aero-drone/aeroplane which can fly over 30000 KMs without fuel,
On the press release SL Govt Name the project as “Ravananin pusphaka vimana” and notifies that the old transcript of a poet describing the hidden science of fuel less aero drone was helpful in making this project successful and also ISRO for providing Technical Support/Expertise
ISRO-Lone Indian connection in Fuel-less Drone{“Ravananin pusphaka vimana”} which World Knows!!!
P.S: Story is purely imaginary ficton,with taking full adavantage of literary liberaties,not intended to hurt/tarnish anyone’s image
pusphaka vimana,kamabhan,ottukuthar,Ravanan
3094 days ago
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