How do I change my password?
1. Go to your profile. Click on the edit tab.
2. Enter your password in Password field and re-enter it in the Confirm Password field.
3. Click SAVE button. -
How can I delete my account?
To delete your account with all posts and results, you should leave a message to us stating the same
Go to Contact Us page under settings.Type in the message and hit the CONTACT button. -
How can I edit my profile info?
To edit your profile,
1. Go to your profile.
2. Click Edit at the bottom of your profile picture.
3. Edit your profile and click SAVE. -
How can I set an Username for my account?
Go to your profile and select edit tab. Enter your username in the Username field and click SAVE.
1. Username cannot be changed, so think twice before setting it.
2. Username must include both alphabets and numbers
3. Also Username can be set only if you have at least 25 followers or 1000 post views.
What are trending posts?
Trending posts have the highest number of views for the current hour!
What is that icon[] near create button?
Clicking on that icon will generate a random post for you to view. This helps when you don’t want to select from a pool of posts.
How can I become a trending author?
Trending authors are authors of posts with the highest number of views for the current hour.. Creating interesting posts on current trending topics can make you a trending author.
How do I create a trending post?
Creating interesting posts on current trending topics can make the post trending in Kevera.
What is a social thumbnail?
Social thumbnail is the picture that is displayed as thumbnail when someone shares the link in social media pages. Since this image attracts people to open the link and read the content, always use high quality images relevant to the post.
This picture is also displayed in the post's card in Kevera -
Why the social thumbnail should be of size 1200x630?
This is the size recommended by Facebook.Images smaller than this will appear as small square images while sharing the link. So we allow only images of this size to be used for social thumbnail
Under what type should I create my post?
*Articles – Stating the obvious, this includes literally anything and everything you can think and it may be about a person, place or simply what you feel at the moment about someone/something.
*List – When you have a lot in your mind to say to support/agree/disagree with an idea or just talk about a lot of things relevant to a particular topic, you can use a list. This might be something trivial like ‘Top 10 reasons to watch ‘The Simpsons’’ to ‘Top 5 methods to make a nuclear warhead’ (P.S – Jk, or are we really? :P)
*Pictures – This type of post may include memes, troll pictures, funny images or even those cool GIF animations, which you might have always wondered how to make!
*Videos – Anything you want to share can be expressed using videos! This can again range from short home-made videos to videos taken from the top of the Alps!
*Short Posts – Blah, blah, blah. There are a lot of impatient people in the world. Besides, how many have really got the time to read through a lot? If you are coming to Kevera to just get your humor fix or motivation in a minute, these short posts sure come in handy. This may be a quotation, short story or even a forwarded SMS joke (Err, SMS? Okay, WhatsApp. Nm, who am I kidding? Who uses forwards? Go crazy and pen your own jokes. Hehe.)
*Quiz – To attract all the intellects out there and the not-so-much-brainy average Joes like me, we have a separate trivia quiz and also some personality quizzes, in which we take a (scarily) accurate guess about stuff like what kind of a person you are depending on your answers to a set of questions!
*Social apps are the next big thing on the Internet. You can create attractive, personalized content for each user based upon their friends, family, location etc. This provides a personal touch and no wonder people are flocking in large numbers towards such kind of apps. Kevera provides an intuitive, easy drag and drop UI to create your own social apps in less than 2 minutes! (Maggi who?) There can be four categories under social apps.
1. Pics – This social app can generate a unique picture for each user based upon pictures of him, his friends, his school, which are all accessed from Facebook. Who doesn’t want to know which celebrity they will marry in the future or how their date with Emma Watson would go? ;)
2. Article – Okay, none of the other sites offer this one. We can generate an entire article about you based only on your Facebook information and if it turns out half as good as this one, we consider it a win :P
3. Quiz – Things cannot get better than this one. A global favorite, who doesn’t want to play a quiz where you get a personalized result depending on your answers?! So, next time you want to find out how much of a romantic you are, just visit Kevera! - How do I edit my post?
How do I delete my post?
To delete a post, go to dashboard then select Posts and click delete for the required post..Post once deleted cannot be restored. If you don’t want other people to see the post but will need the post in future, you can use the un-publish option and publish again once needed
You can also delete the post from the post page by clicking the more icon and selecting the delete button in the right bottom corner! -
How can I report a content owned by me posted by someone else?
You can go to the report page, enter the link of the post with details on how it is against our policies and submit..We’ll review it in next 48 hours and revert back to you with a solution.
What are anonymous posts and how to create one?
For some posts, you might not want to reveal you are the author. For such posts you can opt to remain anonymous by checking the anonymous checkbox during post creation.
How is my revenue calculated?
Your revenue is based on the number of views for your posts. more the number of views, more is your earnings.. The CPI varies every month and is based on google adsense!
You can check your total revenue by clicking this link -
How can I earn without creating a post through the affiliate program?
We offer an affiliate program through which you can earn by promoting the content from Kevera. To generate your affiliate link, just add your username/userid to the end of post’s link.
For example,
Affiliate link for a post with link , is[username/userid] -
How much can I earn through a post?
The CPI(Cost Per Impression) is not fixed and is decided by Google Adsense. Usually you'll get 1$ for 1000 to 1500 post views!
You can earn 1$ for each 5000 views generated from your affiliate links -
How will you pay?
Payments are done only through paypal . You need to have the paypal address updated in your profile to receive payments
When will you pay?
Payments are made in the last week of every month
What is the minimum payout?
The minimum payout for a payment to be made is 25$
How to create a trivia quiz?
To create a trivia quiz,
1.Specify the title and description of the quiz in Title and Description boxes.
2.Upload thumbnail image for social sharing.Tags are keywords that are used to identify your post specifically in a search engine.Select the appropriate category
3.Add questions, options(To add more questions select ADD OPTION) and the correct answer . To add more questions select ADD QUESTION
4.Once its done, you should add the results. Each result contains
*a percentage range: This is the percentage of score secured by the user to which the corresponding result will be shown. Make sure you cover all the percentage ranges from 0 to 100!
*a description This is a supporting piece of text for the result!
*result image This will be displayed along with the description in the result page and also adds up as the thumnail used for social media sharing!.
5.Once everything is done, publish the quiz. -
How to create a personality quiz?
To create a trivia quiz,
1.Specify the title and description of the quiz in Title and Description boxes.
2.Upload thumbnail image for social sharing.Tags are keywords that are used to identify your post specifically in a search engine.
3.In personality quiz, you should first define the results! The result has the following sections
*a result name: This is a name for your reference used to define scores for each results which you will see in the next step!
*a description This is a supporting piece of text for the result!
*result image This will be displayed along with the description in the result page and also adds up as the thumnail used for social media sharing!.
4.Add more results and click NEXT STEP
5.Here you can add questions and options
6.For each option, give score for every result.Consider 3 results(A,B,C) with scores (-5,4,10) for an option. If the user selects this option, score of A will be subtracted by 5 and scores of 4,10 will be added to results B,C respectively.
7.The result with the highest scores will be displayed in the result page.
8.Once everything is done, publish the quiz. -
How to create a social quiz?
To create a social quiz,
1.Specify the title and description of the app in Title and Description boxes.
2.Upload thumbnail image for social sharing.Tags are keywords that are used to identify your post specifically in a search engine.
3.You must specify the background of the result. It can be from the default images or you can also add a custom background.Choose Overlay if you would wish to overlay the image you upload to be overlayed over all other images you add in the template. This will be very useful to create awesome templates for your result and also allows you to add filters and custom shapes for images using transparent pngs.
4.Template builder is used to add images/information from the facebook user or custom images, text or date to the result image. You can drag, drop and resize them.
Once everything is done, click Add Results
Step 2
1.In social quiz, you should first define the results! The result has the following sections
*a result name: This is a name for your reference used to define scores for each results which you will see in the next step!
*a description This is a supporting piece of text for the result!
*and the contents of result image template are specified .
2.Add more results and click NEXT STEP
The Final Step
1.Here you can add questions and options
6.For each option, give score for every result.Consider 3 results(A,B,C) with scores (-5,4,10) for an option. If the user selects this option, score of A will be subtracted by 5 and scores of 4,10 will be added to results B,C respectively.
7.The result with the highest scores will be displayed in the result page.
8.Once everything is done, publish the quiz.